Saturday, August 31, 2019

Poetry Analysis of the poem “I, Too” by Langston Hughes Essay

The poem I, Too, written by Langston Hughes, uses excellent language, vivid imagery and strong sounds to express the poet’s feelings towards racism. I, Too is an anti-discrimination poem, which shows the injustice of racism. The poem is very effective because of its genuine emotions. The poem is situated in America and describes a black man’s personal experience with racial discrimination. He is treated as if he is an embarrassment to the white people, and made to feel inferior to them. The poet is trying to show how America â€Å"covers up† her racial discrimination â€Å"problems.† He also wants to convey the importance of racial equality. He wants the reader to understand that this is not just a personal experience, but a voice of his people. The tone changes throughout the poem. In the first line, the tone is patriotic. The line, â€Å"I, too, sing America,† indicates the national anthem, and symbolizes unity throughout the nation. In the next stanza, the tone is of anger and strength. The man is enraged at how he is treated, but he knows he is strong enough to fight back. This is shown in the line, â€Å"But I laugh,/ and eat well,/ And grow strong.† The following stanza’s tone is of warning and caution. The man warns the people, that he will become powerful, and that no one will dare to harm him in the future. Then in the next stanza, the tone changes once again. The man is much calmer and speaks proudly that one day â€Å"they’ll see how beautiful I am/ And be ashamed.† In the last line, the tone is once again patriotic. The poem’s structure is irregular. The poem begins and ends with single lines. In between there are 3 stanzas, all of which have different number of lines-6, 7 and 3. The purpose for the irregular structure is to create an effect of unequalness, symbolizing the discrimination he is receiving. The poem’s use of simple language helps to clearly define what the poet wants to express. The saying that â€Å"strong people don’t waste words,† is shown here, as the poem is short and to the point. It could also reflect the uneducated class, or the clarity and simplicity of their just complaint. The  poem is also made more effective by using words with deeper meanings. For example, the word, â€Å"brother,† means family and symbolizes equality and acceptance. Another example, â€Å"sit at the table,† has its literal meaning, and also a second meaning, indicating politics and being involved in making decisions. The fact that the poem is short and simple but can express so much meaning shows how the diction of this poem adds to its effectiveness. Likewise, the use of imagery in this poem adds to the poem’s effectiveness. The poet uses a lot of domestic images. The reader can picture the large house of a wealthy family, the kitchen- the servant’s quarters- and the dining room. The poem also contains a few metaphors and symbols. Metaphors and symbols are used because they say what we want to say, more vividly and forcefully. In the line, â€Å"I am the darker brother,† the person is comparing himself to a family member. It is clear that he is not part of his employer’s family, but here the word â€Å"brother† symbolizes equality and acceptance into a society. An example of symbolism used in this poem is seen in the line, â€Å"They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes.† It has two meanings. The literal meaning means the employers send him away when guests arrive. The other meaning means America trying to conceal her racial â€Å"problems† to show the world a different image of the country. Another example is â€Å"I’ll sit at the table.† The literal meaning just means to sit at a table, but it also symbolizes being in charge and making decisions. These comparisons and symbols illustrate the point so well that they increase the effectiveness of the poem. The poem is of irregular rhythm as it is more effective this way. A steady rhythm would make the poem sound as if life was going along smoothly- not the effect the poet wanted. Instead, its irregular rhythm gives the poem a solemn feeling. This rhythm mirrors the uneasy and unsteady social relationship between blacks and whites in America. The poem contains a few examples of alliteration and repetition. The line â€Å"When company comes,† is an example of alliteration and repetition. The consonant â€Å"c† is repeated twice in the line, emphasizing the words, especially â€Å"company.† The alliteration and repetition of the line also  stresses the theme of the poem- that America is trying to conceal her racial â€Å"problems† and show the world a different picture. The poem â€Å"I, Too,† is a poem about discrimination. Through the unjust actions done to the man, the reader is shown how unequal privilege and decision making power is in American society. However, also through the man’s strength and bravery, the reader can see hope in the world- hope that one day, all people will be equal. The poet’s use of great imagery and sound helped to make this poem an effective anti-discrimination poem.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Language Development

Language both oral and written is of utmost importance to human kind. Language is how one communicates, and understands the world. If children are going to lean and communicate in society their development of a wide range of language competencies are essential to guarantee their success in a mixture of settings in their everyday routines. (Otto, 2010, p. 3). The process of acquiring language begins before birth, but is moving at a more rapid pace and changing drastically in early childhood. Children in the early childhood stages of development are very social; they are asking many questions, enhancing their knowledge of language is essential for their learning in all aspects of development (Papalia, Olds, & Feldman, 2008, p. 16). Language development in early childhood is enhanced when educators present young children with curriculum content that supports language acquisition with the use developmentally appropriate methodologies in teaching language and literacy to young children across a developmental curriculum, and the use of adequate referral and intervention strategies for student with special learning needs related to language development. The curriculum content presented to preschool students is important to the acquisition of language in general. When teaching students language skills the curriculum consists of teaching the child to read, write and speak well. This will require systematic work in several different areas, such as: phonemic awareness, semantic knowledge, syntactic knowledge, morphemic knowledge and pragmatic knowledge (Otto, 2010, p. 207). The curriculum for young children should consist of teaching how printed language works, recognizing and naming the letters in the alphabet, leaning letter sounds, as well as blending sounds. Asking questions, describing events, developing vocabulary though conversations and experiences, and opportunities and materials that encourage discussions between students, other students and teachers, along with discussion for problem solving (Bennitt, 1999, pp. 114-115). The developmentally appropriate methodologies in teaching these language and literacy skills to young children consist of exploratory activities, teacher-guided activities, and routine activities (Otto, 2010, p. 208). Exploratory activities are independent activities that allow students a chance to explore ways of interacting with the materials provided. For instance blocks and manipulative urge children to meet the language goals of describing and labeling what was built and how they built it, helping children to solve problems, and persuading them to ask questions, about what they are building and how it relates to real-life structures and events, using receptive and expressive language . Another exploratory activity is a drama corner, children in this environment talk in the roles they are playing using all five aspects of language knowledge. The drama center also helps the understanding of written language when students are provided with pencil and paper to make grocery list, or write letters, or take orders in a restaurant. The book center is also a developmentally appropriate method of presenting language curriculum. In the book center students are encouraged to recreate, previously read stories using pictures and tell them to other students, enhancing both receptive and expressive language. The teacher should only be an observer in this setting as it is exploratory and not teacher guided (Otto, 2010, pp. 11-213). Teacher guided activities also encourage language development, these are activities for a small or large group, but it is considered more developmentally appropriate to keep the large group activities to a minimum and use small groups more often to allow more opportunities for participation and a better view of illustrations or objects involved in the activity. Some of the teacher guided activities that encourage language development are show and tell, book time, oral storytelling and poetry and music time. Show and tell encourages language development by increasing listening comprehension, vocabulary, and taking turns (Otto, 2010, p. 223). Show and tell also supports expressive phonetic knowledge, encouraging children that to speak at a volume with articulation for clear communication to the children they are speaking to. It encourages receptive semantic knowledge though hearing other children describe what they have brought, while expressive semantic knowledge is enhanced by the child describing what they have brought. While pragmatic knowledge is encouraged though the learning of how to use language in this setting of sharing an object or event on interest (Otto, 2010, p. 223). Another teacher guided activity is on that increases interest in reading, increases understanding with written language, expands vocabulary development, and awakes of story structure; this activity is book sharing (Otto, 2010, p. 224). Children will gain knowledge in each aspect of language: 1. Pragmatic, diverse stories use language differently. . Phonetic knowledge, consciousness of the sound system of language. 3. Morphemic knowledge, receptive knowledge of how morphemes impact word meanings, 4. Semantic knowledge increased, through strong and diverse language in books, and pragmatic and syntactic knowledge, how thoughts are structured into sentences and phrases of book language or literate resister. Increasing this skill depends on the appropriate selection of books and the interaction strategies used doing the book sharing (Otto, 2010).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Information security authentication program for Moonshine Mining Essay

Moonshine mining deals with the mining business related to diamond, sapphire, gold etc. Moonshine mining maintains all its intellectual properties and other important documents in 3 internal servers in Perth head office. This information is very confidential to the moon shining. This information should be available only to the internal moon shining employees and other authorized personnel’s. Moonshine has identified the potential risk for the information assets through the risk assessment procedure. To overcome these risks, proper authentication and other security procedures must be implemented in the organization. Each and every method has its own disadvantages and advantages, the proper investigation and study must be performed to choose the best fit method for the organization. Introduction Computer security must be an integral part of the organization. Computer Security is the protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information system resources. Through the selection and application of appropriate safeguards, security helps the organization’s mission by protecting its physical and financial resources, reputation, legal position, employees, and other tangible and intangible assets (NIST 2006). Many organizations are spending millions of dollars in computer security. Computer security policies and goals should be inline with the organization mission and policies. Computer security should be very cost effective. Specialized teams must be formed in the organization for monitoring and controlling the computer security policies and procedures. Basic Security policies should be followed in Moonshine Company Computer security policies must be accessible by everyone in the organization. Each and every single personnel in the organization is responsible for implementing and maintaining the computer security. User support must be provided for solving various problems related to computer security. Help desks are needed to be created for this type of support. Additional support can be any helpline and online chat. Software support should be available in the organization. Various restrictions are needed to be imposed on the usage of several kind of software in the organization. Licensed and authenticated software are recommended for trouble free working environment. Backup plan should be implemented and followed carefully for restoration if disaster or unrecoverable errors caused. Media should be properly maintained and periodic assessments are to be needed. Login information should be kept secret and several log records are to be assed for detecting unauthorized user access. Basic security features like firewall, antivirus software are to be made ready in the system. Integrity checks and other checks are to be performed frequently. Documentation and maintenance are the important activities needed to be done regarding computer security. Authentication Authentication is very important for maintaining the computer security. Each and every personnel must be authenticated for accessing the information resources. There are many types of authentication methods. It can be broadly classified into two categories, Biometric authentication and Non Biometric authentication. The authentication must be implemented with the proper security algorithm to avoid intrusions. Many authentication schemes are developed over the years. Several hashing and other schemes are combined to make the better authentication protocol. Privacy through Biometric Authentication It is based on identifying the person based on their personal and behavioral traits. There are several biometric authentication methods like finger print recognition, face recognition, iris recognition. Some the distinct advantages of biometric method are users need not required to remember password/codes, permanent characteristics and ease of use. Finger print authentication: Finger print authentication is the basic biometric authentication method. The patterns available on ridges and valleys of person’s finger are unique for every individual (Harris D. 2000). Several algorithms are available in the market to uniquely identify the persons based on the patterns. The finger print authentication can be implemented in moon mining company with a very small amount of investment. The cost of installing devices and other software required for finger print authentication would be very minimal when compared to other biometric authentication methods. When compared to non biometric methods the database size would be litter larger for biometrics methods. Since the numbers of users in the moon mining company is very less the biometrics method can be easily implemented without any trouble. Finger print authentication method is not very much suitable for moon shine mining company because in the mining company the person works with lot of dusts and smoke. Some readers might not recognize the dirty and dusted hands. Since it is a mining company persons may have some cuts in their hand so the readers may not work properly in those situations. Most of the time users might wear gloves in their hand, they might feel uneasy to remove for each and every time for the authentication. Face recognition Face recognition is another basic biometric authentication method. In this method, the persons face is captured using camera or infrared waves and it is authenticated with the existing database. The spatial geometry in the face is analyzed to uniquely identify the face. The face can be easily recognizes with change of facial expressions or change of hair style etc. The advantages of face recognition it is the contact free process. The database should be maintained with facial information of the users. The change in the face is very minimal. The moon mining company can prefer this method of authentication. The cost of implementation is also not so high. Some of the disadvantages include detecting the face mask and low light environment (Vijayan 2009). Since it is a mining company it would operate in low light areas, so proper methods must be chosen to avoid low light environment problems. People from some ethnic groups and nationalities won’t expose the face to outer world. In those situations the face recognition it is not possible to implement. Iris Recognition Iris recognition is one of the latest methods of biometric authentication. The colored area that surrounds pupil is used for the identification of the persons (Daouk 2006). Every people have unique color pattern. It is also a non contact method of authentication. The cost of implementation is little high when compared to other methods. It is very fast and robust. The latest iris technologies are very powerful in recognizing the patterns even though they are covered with the contact lenses and glasses. Iris based authentication is recommended if the moon mining company wants high end solution for the biometric authentication and ready for little high investment. Digital Signatures A digital signature is an automated method of verifying our usual handwritten signatures. The various features like speed, pressure, nodes etc are verified for authentication. This method is based on behavioral aspect of the person. It is simple method for authentication. It has many disadvantages like it can be imitated by others easily; signature is tending to change slowly by time. It’s not so safe to go with this type of authentication method. Privacy through Non Biometric Authentication The non biometric method for authentication is very common in the organization. It is simple and easy to implement. No extra infrastructure is required to implement these authentication methods. It is very cost effective method. RFID Authentication method The privacy can be provided by ensuring the proper authentication mechanism in practice. Several authentication protocols are used in existence systems. The authentication will be performed in the readers and authentication parameters and value are stored in the RFID tags. The RFID readers would be available in each and every computers of the moon shining company. One of the common practices is store common password in all the RFID tags to be used. Whenever the tag is read if the password matches the other processing is done else the tag would be neglected. Another method for authentication is to assign store all the RFID tags unique number in database, when the tag is detected the number is cross checked with the database for authentication. Despite the numerous benefits of RFID systems, it has few pitfalls and some common problems. The main security threat in the RFID system is the privacy security breaches. All the information is stored in the RFID tags. The RFID tags can also be read by others who have the RFID readers. The data can be read and modified in the tags by any one using the RFID readers (Moscatiell 2007). The RFID systems may be collapsed if several RFID tags are processed together. The RFID tags can communicate only to one RFID reader at instance. If two RFID readers are accessing a single tag, there may be a junk or collapse in the system. Other Radio signal interference can violate some of the properties of the RFID systems. Some other security threats also exist for the RFID systems. Device Based Authentication: In this device based authentication, some special secure devices are used to generate the passcodes. These passcodes are verified for authorizing the persons. One of the famous devices is RSA based secureId device. It uses public key encryption for generating the passcode. Each and every user will have a small hand held device to generate the passcodes. These passcode are verified using the security algorithms for authentication. This method of authentication is also suggested for moon mining company. Conclusion All the organization should follow the tight computer security principles and policies. The basic security features must be installed in each and every computer system in the organization. All the users must be educated about the computer security principles and various threat regarding. The company can also go for the third parties for implementation and maintenance of computer security in the organization. This would help the organization to have the better security. Dedicated teams must be available for performing and monitoring all the computer security activities. The organization will be in trouble if the computer security practices are not followed in the organization.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Media Creates Political and Ideological Controversies Essay

Media Creates Political and Ideological Controversies - Essay Example Audiences are seen to be susceptible to any message or information that is presented by the media. As per Lowery and DeFleur’s theory media has an immense impact on its viewers. This theory endorses great power and influence on the media. Although later research disproved this theory, it was evident through the findings (Hyman & Sheatsley 1947) that audiences were not brainless recipients of information and formed their own opinions of media’s projections of news and events. But fact remains that even though media coverage may not be able to completely form a public’s opinion on just one front, it is responsible for how they view the world. This is where the agenda-setting theory of mass communication comes in. while the media may not be able to tell us exactly how we should think, it does specify what we should think about. â€Å"The agenda-setting theory was originally developed to explain the influence of the mass media in determining which political issues become important in elections. Adroit committee members and politicians claim that if you can control the agenda you can control the meeting.† (Sutherland & Sylvester 2000). Basically, the most crucial function of media is to act as a gateway between the public and the government. It’s the media who provide information regarding political matters and matters regarding policy and governance. Newspapers aim to cover politics and issues related to politics follow the guidelines that journalists must remain â€Å"politically correct† and neutral and â€Å"present† covering all sides of the argument (Sloan & Mackay 2007) Research has shown that most media slant is focused on coverage related to political and election campaigns, where media needs to influence the general public. But very few researches have been done to check why the media slant is involved in such  specific issues such as â€Å"immigration† and why is it covered by â€Å"negatively† slanted media coverage.

Good Faith Evidence Rule in reversal of a high profile rape cases in Research Paper

Good Faith Evidence Rule in reversal of a high profile rape cases in 2010 in state of virginia - Research Paper Example There was a young woman, who was dressed in black attire and had long blond hair; she stood on the railroad bridge extending her thumb gesturing for a ride. The unfortunate fact was that this was the last moment the father and daughter saw Morgan Dana Harrington alive. (Siegel, 2011) It is now one year since the remains of the Virginia education tech student (who was 20 years of age upon her death) was discovered. With no suspects identified, the police have made enquiries to the public hoping that there might individuals who may assist with the investigation. The questions still remain unanswered as to how Morgan’s body was discovered in a cow pasture 10 miles from where she was last seen, and whether there is a stalker still roaming the streets of Charlottesville and Albemarle county. While retracing the steps of Morgan, the Virginia State Police Special Agent Dino Cappuzzo disclosed the story of the daughter and father, who allowed the police to determine the time that Morgan was possibly abducted. The father stated that, on his way back from dropping his daughter at the dormitory, he stopped at the convenience store on Ivy Road, which was at 9.30 pm based on time on his receipt. On his return to the bridge after 7-11 minutes, Morgan was gone. Two other witnesses confirmed that they had seen a blond woman hitchhiking in the same area. Cappuzzo stated that the witnesses’ stories had been completely vetted by the police. However, none was considered suspects. The descriptions provided by the witnesses were new information released to public on the 25th of January 2011, which was a day prior to the anniversary of the discovery of the body. It was the first piece of information that was obtained by the police department since last summer, when police confirmed the DNA obtained from the Harrington case is related or linked to a rape case that took place in 2005, in Fairfax. The victim in that case survived

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Response - Essay Example The media has been accessible to the populace in every facet of their daily lives, starting with simple spoken words and publications, and soaring to the twentieth century new heights with radio, TV and the internet. With such a strong grip on the current society, mass media has managed to form popular culture and to influence public opinion. Nonetheless, when the media is abused, its power has the potential of harming the general population. This paper disagrees with Oak’s opinion that media has served as a boon to humanity in his extensive and definitive discussion of the positive effects of the media. While agreeing that a certain amount of exposure to media is necessary for the masses to introduce themselves to the outside world, the paper emphasizes the fact that media is harmful to people’s well-being. Oak believes that media has greatly benefited humanity. He argues that it has exposed people to the world, allowing different people to exchange their views on various subjects and social issues, resulting into a global knowledge sharing; it provides a platform though which people voice their opinions on all kinds of social and political issues in addition to allowing information sharing. He adds that the media has eased communication and that technological development has provided a platform that has enabled people to present themselves to the rest of the world. He argues that although overexposure to media has somewhat negatively affected the society, it is evidently a pleasure. He supports this by discussing various positive effects of the media. To start with, Oak argues that news broadcasted through different media increase people’s overall awareness/knowledge by providing them with information from throughout the world. News, telefilms and documentaries on social issues raise in children a social awareness developing their concern towards society. Oak also argues that newspapers not only update people with new information and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Questionnaire design exercise, Learning journal based on 4 lectures Essay

Questionnaire design exercise, Learning journal based on 4 lectures and a report on debate - Essay Example Disagree 3. Undecided 4. Agree 5. Strongly 4. Release of new Champion skins attracts me more to the game? 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Undecided 4. Agree 5. Strongly 5. The option of buying Riot Points is great because I can play even without gaining enough Riot Points. 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Undecided 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree 6. I buy Riot Points more often than I play up the levels. 1. Yes 2. No 7. If you buy the points more often, explain why? 1. I do not like to play for long to get points. 2. I do not get the time to play very often. 3. I am a beginner, so I have bought the Riot Points for the first time. 8. I play only when Riot Points are distributed free. 1. Yes 2. No 9. Are you a fan of the Face book page of the League of Legends? 1. Yes 2. No 10. Have you watched the League of Legends 2012? 1. Yes 2. No 11. Have you watched the You tube videos of League of Legends 2012? 1. Yes 2. No 12. Do you have League of Legends costume? 1. Yes 2. No 13. If yes, ho w did you get it? 1. Bought it 2. Got as a gift 3. I do not have the costume 14. If you have the costume you like using it because 1. I like to flaunt it in front of my friends. 2. I look like an avid player of League of Legends. 3. I like the get up and appearance of the costume. 4. All of the above. 5. I have the costume but do not use it much. 6. I do not have the costume. 15. Which is the best champion you have played? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 16. What feature of the champion do you like best? Please explain why. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Power point Presentation summary PPT 1. Week 9 Critical thinking and deve loping scholarly argument The world is changing very fast. These changes hold profound implications on our lives, particularly on our thinking and learning (Paul, Paul & Elder, 2002, p.1). The meaning of the term ‘critical thinking’ might be understood as ‘discerning judgment based on standards’. As Moon says it, â€Å"Critical thinking is ‘thoughtful’ thinking† (Moon, 2012, p. 20). It makes a person present a point of view as a structured argument from which a conclusion can be drawn. It is important to be able to make a critical thinking as it helps in reading the underlying logic in someone’s point of view. It would be of immense help in the workplace. A clear conception eases out many complex situations which are caused on the ground of false premises. Critical thinking would lead to building alternative logical explanation for a cause thereby helping in validation or rejection of an argument on solid grounds. PPT 2. Week 10 T echniques for critical reading Critical reading of any article helps us â€Å"assess the value of the work it reports† (Wallace & Wray, 2011, p. 4). Although academic writing is generally much benign, readers should look out for hidden layers in an academic text. By making a critical reading of a text one should be able to understand what a text means and how a text works by analyzing the information, interpreting the knowledge received and evaluating the inference drawn. Before reading the article one has to follow two steps, survey and questions; firstly, to look over the whole article, check the major heading and sub-headings and read the introduction and summary closely. Secondly, one should note down the main points that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategy and Policy Study Guide and Case Study

Strategy and Policy Guide and - Case Study Example ormance and durability and has formed a strong distribution network to ensure these shoes reach to all corners of the globe in time and at a reasonable price. (b) Basing on the IE matrix above, it is advisable that the company currently is not in a position to expand but should rather â€Å"hold and maintain†. The IE matrix is made up of three strategically important regions; First, The cells labelled I, II and III represent the possibility of expansion. The company should therefore concentrate on improving market penetration, develop new markets and increase the products available on the market. The second region represented by numbers IV, V, and VI implies the company should be more concerned with market penetration of existing markets. The last region represented by VII, VIII, and IX numbers is an indicator the company should consider the possibility of exiting from the market as it tries rebranding to rejuvenate the business. In this strategy, the company will establish sales teams that will market and track the market acceptance of specific products without focusing on other company products. First the company is to identify two or three products that are performing below the expected potential owing to the performance of similar products in the market by other companies. Then a team is selected to carry out market research and establish reason why the products are not performing well and strategies employed by competitors to market their products. The team will then draw a plan ready for implementation with clear targets markets, quantities and time frame for implementation. These teams will have to carry out evaluation after a number of months to check if the strategy is giving positive results. The company wants to be felt by customers both in the high end and low end market. In applying this strategy, the product marketed will be appealing to all markets and customers will want to have a feel of the product. The team will identify areas in the plan that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Forward Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Forward Contracts - Essay Example Although these simple arrangements can easily mitigate foreign exchange rate risks, there are several advantages and disadvantages of using them to hedge foreign exchange risks (Feng, 2007). The first advantage of using forward contracts to hedge foreign exchange risks is that future rates can be fixed in advance. This therefore eliminates the downside risk exposure. Secondly, forward contracts are more flexible with respect to the amount of money to be covered. Thirdly, forward contracts are relatively simple and straightforward to both comprehend and organize (Feng, 2007). On the other hand options allow the contracting party to settle forward contracts at an agreed and fixed exchange rate, but at any time between two specific dates. This means that option-date forward exchange contracts can be settled at the agreed rate if currency cash-flows occur between the two set dates (Meera, 2009). Although forward exchange contracts are simple agreements that can mitigate exchange rate risks, they have some shortcomings. In particular, it may be difficult to get a counter party who will agree to fix future exchange rates for the time period as well as the amount in question. Secondly, forward contracts do not provide an opportunity for the parties to benefit from favorable fluctuations in the exchange rates. Thirdly, forward markets only exist for major world trading currencies such as the Dollar, Euro, Pound or Yen, but they do not exist for exotic currencies (Doupnik & Perera, 2007). The main disadvantage with options is that the issuer of the option receives the fees upon the specified date and is obligated to buy the securities at the other party’s option. Additionally, options are subject to basis risks and only provide a partial hedge (Meera,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Discussion 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion 6 - Essay Example s the people in IT business and other professionals to know what new opportunities are there, challenges likely to be faced and the trends in the system. In today’s competitive global market people are looking for new opportunities to reduce cost, improve their efficiency in work and gain an edge in the market. Business people are using IT as their tool to realize their aims. The use of disruptive new technologies social networks, content-mobile apps along with proliferation of private and public cloud is making companies to assess the impact this new technologies in their businesses. Business leaders are supposed to understand the use and importance of this new advancement and use them in the improvement of their businesses (Overby, 2013). There is need of listening to the customers in this digital market in order to understand the consume ration of IT. Businesses are filled with large data, a cloud of computing information and mobile services. The argument of Overby that equilibrium of jobs offshore and onshore will be attained is quite correct. Advancement in technology makes works more efficient and creates more job opport unities and development of a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Film as a Subject of Study Essay Example for Free

Film as a Subject of Study Essay The tremendous expense involved in producing motion pictures reminds us that film is both an Industry, and an Art. Each film is the child of a turbulent marriage between businessmen and artists. Yet despite an ongoing battle between aesthetic and commercial considerations, film is now recognized as a unique and powerful art form on a par with Painting, Sculpture, Music, Literature, and Drama. As a form of human expression, the moving picture is similar to other artistic media, for the basic properties of other media are woven into its own rich fabric. Film employs the compositional elements of the visual arts: line, form, mass, volume and texture. Like painting and photography, film exploits the subtle interplay of light and shadow. Like sculpture, film manipulates three-dimensional space. But, like pantomime, film focuses on moving images, and as in dance, the moving images in film have rhythm. The complex rhythms of film resemble those of music and poetry; and like poetry in particular, film communicates through imagery, metaphor, and symbol. Like drama, film communicates visually and verbally : visually, through action and gesture; verbally, through dialogue. Finally, like the novel, film expands or compresses time and space, traveling back and forth freely within their wide border. Despite these similarities, film is unique. 1. It is set apart from all other media by its quality of free and constant motion. The continuous interplay of sight, sound, and motion allows film to transcend the static limitations of painting and sculpture – in the complexity of its sensual appeal as well as in its ability to communicate simultaneously on several levels. Film even surpasses drama in its unique capacity for revealing various points of view, portraying action, manipulating time, and conveying a boundless sense of space. 2. Unlike the stage play, film can provide a continuous, unbroken flow, which blurs and minimizes transitions without compromising the story’s unity. Unlike the novel and the poem, film communicates directly, not through abstract symbols like words on a page but through concrete images and sounds. What’s more, film can treat an almost infinite array of subjects. 3. There is almost nothing that the eye might behold or the ear hear, in actuality or imagination, which can’t be represented in the medium of film. From the North and South poles to the Equator, from the Himalayas as a vast mountain range to the minutest flaw in a piece of steel, from the whistling flight of a bullet to the slow growth of a flower, from the flicker of though across an almost impassive face to the frenzied ravings of a madman, there is no point in space no degree of magnitude or speed of movement within the apprehension of man which is not within reach of the film. To simplify what I’m getting at, recall the many faces of Gabbar Singh in the film Sholay, and you recall the power of film. 4. The Elasticity of Time in a Film Film is unlimited not only in its choice of subject but also in its approach to that material. A film can look to the remote past or probe the distant future; it can make a few seconds seem like hours or compress a whole century into minutes. Film can run the gamut of feeling from the most fragile, tender, and beautiful to the most brutal, violent, and repulsive. 5. Of even greater importance than film’s unlimited range in subject matter, however, is the overwhelming Sense of Reality it can convey. The continuous stream of sight, sound, and motion creates a here-and-now excitement that immerses the viewer in the cinematic experience. Thus, through film, fantasy assumes the shape and emotional impact of Reality. The technological history of film can in fact be viewed as an ongoing evolution toward greater realism, toward erasing the border between art and nature, between fiction and reality. In sum, Film is a uniquely powerful combination of the Seven Arts. II A. In the two pages above, a way of looking at films has been offered which says that films are more than just an entertaining way to pass the time. There is an art, and a science to them, which usually goes unnoticed. When you begin to notice these two dimensions, your understanding of cinema will be much smarter and sharper. To take an example, please go back to pt. 2 above, and especially the observation that film does not communicate ‘through abstract symbols’. How then does it communicate? The answer : through concrete, flesh and blood symbols. With the help of camera angles and special lighting, almost everything becomes symbolic on film. The protagonists’ hair style, dimpled cheeks, the clothes they wear, the voice in which they speak, the way they walk, the way they smoke, the solitary glass on a table, the chair, the curtain – anything and everything can be loaded with extra meaning in a film shot, and through the device of repetition be made symbolic. For instance if you see the empty glass on the same table in more than one scene, it becomes symbolic. B. Let us now go to pt. 5 which stresses the power of the camera in creating a ‘sense of reality’. This is the cinematic experience, in a nutshell. You may be watching computer-created beings as in the Hollywood film Avatar, but they succeed in feeling and sounding like humans. The same perhaps can be said about the Tiger in the film The Life of Pi. This ability to convey the sense of reality endows the filmmaker with tremendous power – which can be used to great public benefit, or it can be abused. Try and think of examples of both use and abuse†¦

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Brutality of Slavery Essay Example for Free

Brutality of Slavery Essay In history, slavery has been a large problem in The United States and has caused many issues. We know slavery as history, while people like Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs knew slavery as their lives. Frederick Douglass was a man who was born and raised as a slave, he never knew his mother and watched many terrifying things as a child. Another known slave was Harriet Jacobs; she was a slave who was abused in many ways. Both of these slaves lived through hardship and turbulence growing up. Most people could not even fathom the pain and suffering these two slaves endured. They were considered to be chattel slaves. Chattel is a type of slavery. According to Dictionary. com chattel is â€Å"any article of tangible property other than land, buildings, and other things annexed to land. † Slaveholders feel as though their slaves have no rights and they are their own property. Most slaves during this time were chattel slaves and were treated very poorly by there slaveholders. In his essay on brutality toward slaves, Frederick Douglass shares some of the horrors that were his reality. As a slave himself, he understands from first-hand experience how badly slaves were treated. He mentions emotional and physical abuse he received from his slaveholder. He talked about how the slaves were not allowed to know how old they were or information that might expose them to more about their families. Douglass mentioned the fact that slaveholders would whip the slaves until bloody while making other slaves watch. Slaveholders would shoot and kill their slaves if they did not follow orders, Douglass acknowledges. Slaveholders would keep all personal information from their slaves. The fact that a slave would not have the right to know how old they are would create emotional hardship and eliminate an important sense of self. Some slaveholders would not allow the slave to know anything about his or her mother or father. They would give the slaves very little information so they could not investigate further. Douglass was one of the slaves who barely knew his own mother. The most he ever saw her was just a few times at night while he was sleeping. She would take the long trip to see him after a long day in the fields, but she would have to be back before morning came the next day. Only being able to see one’s mother three or four times in a person’s life, and not being able to know anymore information about one’s life, would be considered abuse in many ways. Whipping a slave was a very normal action in this time. Slaves, whether they ‘deserved’ it or not, could be whipped for many reasons. Douglass mentions many times when his slaveholder would whip his own aunt. Douglass said, â€Å"I have often been awakened at the dawn of day by the most heart-rending shrieks of an own aunt of mine, whom he used to tie up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back till she was literally covered with blood. † His slaveholder took great pleasure in whipping and torturing his slaves. It is heartbreaking knowing that it was considered socially and morally okay to commit such brutalities. Douglass talks about a time when a slave named Demby was shot and killed in front of an entire plantation of slaves. The slaveholder told Demby to come to him, but Demby refused, so the slaveholder took out his gun and shot him. A thrill of horror flashed through every soul upon the plantation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  said Douglass. The slaveholder said that he killed him because he was â€Å"unmanageable. † He also said that Demby was setting a bad example for the other slaves and if he did not take care of the problem, the other slaves would follow. Women played a vital role in slavery, the pain and suffering they had to endure was terrible. Women had to bear hardship in many different ways such as sexual abuse, chattel type slavery, and the relationship between the slaveholder, his wife and the slave. All of these rigorous situations are forced upon an African American woman creating emotional and physical abuse. While reading Incidences in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs, one could notice a constant theme in the slaveholder’s ideology toward the slave. As brought up earlier, most slaves were chattel slaves, meaning that their slaveholders treated them as if they were property and with no respect. Jacobs says, â€Å"He told me I was his property; that I must be subject to his will in all things. † (Jacobs pg. 2). Obviously, Mr.  Flint treated Jacobs as if he had zero respect for her. Jacobs mid teen years is when her life as a slave girl escalated. Mr. Flint, her slaveholder had absolutely no respect for the fact that she was an innocent young girl. â€Å"My master began to whisper foul words in my ear. Young as I was, I could not remain ignorant of their import. † (Jacobs pg. 1). These actions were not uncommon in slaveholder/slave relationships because of the sense of ownership. The wife of the slaveholder and her relationship to the female slave, in this case being Jacobs, could be detrimental. Not only the relationship between the wife and the female slave is important in history, but it also creates a struggle between the African American female and the slaveholder. The wife could be considered psychotic because of the jealously placed in a relationship such as theirs. Jacobs mentioned thatâ€Å"†¦she spent many a sleepless night to watch over me. Sometimes I woke up, and found her bending over me. † Most people, whether in the same relationship as them or not would think that is weird and would have psychotic tendencies. Insidences in the Life of a Slave Girl and Both narratives written by Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs were tools in the abolition of slavery. The narratives gave African Americans a voice. They brought international attention to the issues and brutality of slavery. This basically put pressure on the United States to address the issue. Also, the ideology of slavery is based on the belief that blacks are inferior to whites. When sociologists first began trying to explain inferiority, a big argument was that there was no African literature. These narratives really showed the eloquence of African people.

Creativity And Innovation In The Workplace Commerce Essay

Creativity And Innovation In The Workplace Commerce Essay So in this context, what is creativity and what is innovation? Often they are not distinguished. They are simply seen as part of the process by which knowledge is developed and transformed into business value. This is a perfectly acceptable definition, but again like the failure to differentiate between information and knowledge it is not very useful for the purpose of discussing the subject area.. . It is important to distinguish between creativity and innovation because the processes are different, the risks are different, the starting points are different, and the climates needed for achievement are different, and there are consequences of these differences. To support this argument, the author has divided this essay into three main parts. First of all creativity and innovation is defined according to different researchers. Then the some basic differences between them is discussed. At the end, the author has described process of creativity and innovation to support his arguments. Creative thinking, creativity and innovation are separate and distinct things. Creative thinking is a process that can be taught, creativity is a phenomenon about which can be taught, and innovation is more than creativity. Creativity is the production of novel and useful ideas in any domain whereas the innovation is the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization.(stein 1974, woodman, sawyer and griffen 1993). West and Farr (1990) consider creativity as the ideation component of innovation and innovation as encompassing both the proposal and applications of the new ideas (p. 10). In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the second. Amabile and shermaine montefalco et al. (1996) Creativity is the production of novel and useful ideas in any domain whereas the innovation is the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization.(stein 1974, woodman, sawyer and griffen 1993). West and Farr (1990) consider creativity as the ideation component of innovation and innovation as encompassing both the proposal and applications of the new ideas (p. 10). .Successful innovation does not only depends upon the idea coming from inside the organization but can also comes from outside the organization. Many researchers have argue that the innovation is not a linear process (Drazin and Schoonhoven, 1996; van de ven, 1986; Scgroeder et al 1986; Van de ven at al 1999) it may be conceived of as cyclical with periods of innovation initiation, implementation, adaptation and stabilization. Creativity is likely to be most evident in first stage of innovation. (iainchalmers  , 2007) from Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken: Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (page 396) Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative: need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation need to communicate ideas and values need to solve problems (page 396) Creativity is any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new oneWhat counts is whether the novelty he or she produces is accepted for inclusion in the domain. Creativity is the ability to produce work that is both nove,(i.e, original, unexpected) abd appropriate(i.e, useful, adaptive concerning task constrains)(lubart, 1994: Ochse 1990; Sternberg 1988; Sternberg and lubart 1991, 1995, 1996) Components of creativity: Expertise encompasses everything that a person knows and can do in the broad domain of his or her work. Creative thinking, as noted above, refers to how people approaches problems and solutions- their capacity to put existing ideas together in new combinations. The skill itself depends quite a bit on personality and as well as on how a person thinks and works. Expertise and creative thinking are a individuals raw materials- his or her natural resources, if you will. But a third factor- motivation- determines what peoples will actually do. If an individual have outstanding educational credentials and a great facility in generating new prospective to do a particular job, but if he lacks the motivation to do that job, he will not do that; his expertise and creative thinking will not give him any advantage. People will be more creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself- and not by external pressures. There also exists the enormous graveyard of innovations that have never been adopted and not necessarily because they are the results of repetitive, foolish, or simply reproductive processes(Paolo Legrenzi, Creativity and Innovation, I believe that there is a difference between creativity and innovation and agree with Robinson and Sterns explanation:10 †¢ Creativity the results of creativity in companies are improvements or changes to what is already done. †¢ Innovation the results of innovation in companies are entirely new activities for the company The key words, improvements and new, help define the difference in these terms. However, creative thinking is part of the innovation process. Another way of explaining this comes from the late management consultant, Richard Byrd, who defined innovation as creativity times risktaking. Japan railway east is the largest rail carrier in the world. When they decided to construct a new bullet-train line through the mountains north of Tokyo, they never anticipated that this would open the doors of a new business horizon for them- the beverages. JR east have to construct many tunnels, and water causes problem there. The JR plans to drain this water away. But the crew inside the tunnel found a new solution of this problem; they were using to drink that. One of the workers liked it taste so much that he give suggestion to the JR to bottle this water and sale as premium mineral water instead of draining that into runoffs. His idea was implemented and soon the water was marketed with the brand name of OSHIMIZU. Within a short period of time it become so popular that JR plants vending machines at most of its platforms and establish a subsidiary company who only deals with this water. This idea turns so profitable that in 1994, sales of Oshimizu beverages were $ 47 million and its also started to sell juices as well as iced and hot teas and coffees.( Corporate creativity: how innovation and improvement actually happen   By Alan G. Robinson, Sam Stern) Most researchers and managers recognize that creativity at the individual level represents only part of the challenge. Organizations must create environments that allow and encourage employees to engage in creativity. Most organizations have developed layers of rules, procedures and bureaucratic processes that stifle creativity (MacKenzie, 1998).To be creative, the management has to tolerate the mistakes and accept the degree of risk involved with this. It also requires the long term commitment of time and resources whereas; the risk of failure is also there to be considered (Yukl, 2006). Creativity is the long term investment of any organization, which cant be start or stop any time. Firms commonly encourage employees to use their creativity and judgment through empowerment (Gandz and Bird, 1996). Hence, the management culture of an organization is the major factor which initiates the creativity in an organization. On the other hand, much lower degree of risk is involved in the innovation. In innovation the success is ascertain, so the process can be terminated at any desired stage. Innovation does not require a long term commitment of time and resources. Innovation is more likely to occur in groups where there is support for innovation, and where innovation attempts are rewarded rather than punished (Amabile, 1983; Kanter, 1983) In modern age, creativity is considered as a science which can be learnt. Several universities offer courses and degrees in the field of creativity and creative problem solving where as there are only a few offer coerces in the field of innovation. For organizations it is easy to train their employees more creative and effective in their work. On the other hand, innovation is much more informal field. No specific body of knowledge serve a basic of teaching and learning for innovation. Most of innovative techniques are derived from the basics of creativity. Conclusion: Chances are that the very successful leaders of the future will be more likely to make creativity and innovation a strategic priority in their organizations if they better understand the reality of what they really are rather than an unsubstantiated myth. How they are different. Why they are both needed, and how to make them both happen in the right way at the right time in the business cycle. Referances: (iainchalmers  , 2007) Creativity vs Innovation the ugly truth, The innovation process may be divided into three areas: the fuzzy front end (FFE), the new product development (NPD) process, and commercialization, as indicated in Figure 1-1.1 The first part-the FFE-is generally regarded as one of the greatest opportunities for improvement of the overall innovation process.2 Many companies have dramatically improved cycle time and efficiency by implementing a formal Stage-GateTM (Cooper 1993) or PACE_ (McGrath and Akiyama 1996) approach for managing projects in the NPD portion of the innovation process. Attention is increasingly being focused on the front-end activities that precede this formal and structured process in order to increase the value, amount, and success probability of high-profit concepts entering product development and commercialization. The comparison was complicated because there was a lack of common terms and definitions for key elements of the FFE. Without a common language and vocabulary, the ability to create new knowledge and make distinctions between different parts of the process may be impossible (Krough, Ichijo, and Nonaka 2000). Knowledge transfer is ineffective or unlikely if both parties mean different things, even when they are using the same terms. These insights led us to believe that we could improve understanding of the FFE by describing it using terms that mean the same thing to everyone. The front end of innovation, or what us often called fuzzy front end , presents one of the greatest opportunities for improving the overall innovation process. New concept development model: The NCD model, shown in figure below, compromises of three key elements: The inner area defines the five key elements compriseing the front end of innovation The engine or Bulls Eye portion which drives the five front-end ekements and is fuelled by the leadership and culture of the organisation. The influencing factors, or environment on the periphery . consists of organizational capabilities, business strategy, the outside world(i.e., distribution channels, customers and competitors), and the enabling science that will be utalized. FIVE FRONT END ELEMEENTS: OPPORTUNITY IDENTIFICATION. This is where the organization, by design or default, identifies the opportunities that the companu might want to pursue. Business and technological opportunities are explicitly considered so that resources will eventuallu be allocated to new areas of market growth and/pr operating effectiveness and efficienscy. This element is tupiucally driven by the goals of the business. The opportunity might be a totally new direction for the business or a minor upgrade to an existing project. 2. opportunity analysis: Additional information is needed for translating opportunity identification into specific business and technology opportunities and making early and other uncertain technology and marlet assessment. Extensive effoert may be committed for focus groups, maeket studies and sceientificn expertise. However, the amount of effort expended is dependent upon the attractiveness of the opportunit. 3. idea genesis: Genesis is the development and materation of the opportunity into a concrete idea. This represents an evolutionary process in which ideas are built upon, torn down, combined , reshaped, modified,and updated. Ideas may be generated by anyone with a passion for a particular idea, problem, need, or situation. Ideas may be generated or enriched by others through the efforts of a key individual or champion (Markham 1998; Markham and Griffin 1998). Idea selection: In most businesses there a re so many products/process ideas that the critical activity is to choose which idea to pursue in order to achieve the most business value. Selection may be as simple as an individials choice amoung many self generated options or as formalized as a prescribed portfolio method. More formalized project selection and resource allocation in the FEI is difficult die to limited information and understanding at this point. Concept and technology development: The final element of the model involves the development of a business case based on estimates of market potential, customer needs, investment requirements, competitor assessments, technology unknowns, and overall project risk. The environment: The FFE exists in an environment of influencing factors. The factors are the corporations organizational capabilities, customer and competitor influences, the outside worlds influences, and the depth and strength of enabling sciences and technologyThe outside world, government policy, environmental regulations, laws concerning patents, and socioeconomic trends all affect the FFE as well as the new product development or Stage-GateTM part of the innovation process. Some of these factors are indicated in Porters five force model (1987). THE ENGINE (LEADERSHIP, CULTURE, AND BUSINESS STRATEGY) The element of leadership, culture, and business strategy sets the environment for successful innovation. Proficiency in this element distinguishes highly innovative companies from less innovative ones (Koen et al. 2001). Continuous senior management support for innovation has been shown in numerous studies to be critical to new product development success (Cooper and Kleinschmidt 1995; Song and Parry 1996; Swink 2000). Culture in the FFE fundamentally differs from that in the NPD and operations parts of the organization (Buckler 1997).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Smiths Outlook on Life in Sillitoes The Loneliness of the Long Distan

There are two basic facts in Smith’s life: one, that he’s in a war with the â€Å"In-laws,† and two, that he’s going to fight it until the day he dies, or die fighting. From Smith’s perspective, there is an impassable line between him and the In-laws, who are out to get him, and his best method of success is beating them down. In taking revenge on the governor of Borstal, Smith thinks he has succeeded. What Smith doesn’t realize is that he, not the governor, truly loses when he loses the race. Smith needs to revise his world view to realize that there is a better way of getting what he wants, and the revenge he seeks is only a sign of his weakness and unhappiness with his own life. By focusing his energy on getting revenge, Smith compromises his opportunities and ability to succeed. Ultimately, his actions are a loss for Smith more than for the people he is fighting. Smith sees the authority figures around him as a threat to his happiness. To Smith, the cops and the governor of Borstal block his success. This is such a strong reality for him that the idea of them being on his side is impossible: â€Å"If only ‘them’ and ‘us’ had the same ideas we’d get [along]†¦but they don’t see eye to eye with us and we don’t see eye to eye with them, so that’s how it stands and how it will always stand† (7-8). The â€Å"them† he refers to are people like the governor of Borstal and the cops, the â€Å"In-law blokes† who, according to him, are â€Å"all on the watch for Out-law blokes like [Smith]†¦waiting to ‘phone for the coppers as soon as [he makes] a false move† (10). Furthermore, his strongest truth is that he is alone: â€Å"I knew what the loneliness of the long-distance runner running across country felt like, realizing that as far as I was concerned this feeling was... Smith, they become ever more revengeful towards those who end up punishing them for not being something they have no real incentive to be. Ultimately, criminals such as Smith end up wasting society’s resources (cops’ time and citizens’ money), wasting their own energy which could be better used to make them economically productive and contributing members of society, and making society less safe by reducing the mutual trust of society’s members due to thefts. The society does not seem to have a good way of dealing with criminals—Smith is not rectified in any manner by Borstal, and merely punished. Perhaps society needs to focus on increasing financial opportunities for the poor rather than trying to change values that are really an outcome of the society in which they grow up. The core problem is the society; once that is fixed, values will change automatically.

Monday, August 19, 2019

William Butler Yeats and William Blake :: Poetry Literature Papers

William Butler Yeats and William Blake A study of William Butler Yeats is not complete without a study of William Blake, just as a study of Blake is greatly aided by a study of Yeats. The two poets are inexorably tied together. Yeats, aided by his study of Blake, was able to find a clearer poetic voice. Yeats had a respect for and an understanding of Blake's work that was in Yeats' time without parallel. Yeats first read Blake at the age of 15 or 16 when his father gave him Blake to read. Yeats writes in his essay "William Blake and the Imagination" that "...when one reads Blake, it is as though the spray of an inexhaustible fountain of beauty was blown into our faces (Yeats, Essays xxx)." Yeats believed Blake to be a genius and he never wavered in his opinion. It is his respect for Blake that caused him to study and emulate Blake. He tried to tie Blake closer to himself by stressing Blake's rumored Irish ancestry. He strove to understand Blake more clearly than anyone had before him, and he succeeded. As with other pursu its Yeats held nothing back. He immersed himself fully in Blake's writings. As with many of his mental pursuits he deepened his understanding of the subject by writing about it. In 1887 he wrote his essay "William Blake and the Imagination." This essay articulated his thoughts on the genius of the poet William Blake. He still however had not conceived his full vision of Blake's works. In 1889 he approached Edwin Ellis, a friend of his father's, for assistance in understanding Blake. Ellis wrote of this meeting "Very little could be given him to satisfy so large a demand, but with his eye for symbolic systems, he needed no more to enable him to perceive that here was a myth as well worth studying as any that has been offered to the world (Ellis, Vol I ix)." Thus began Yeats' and Ellis' collaboration on William Blake. This collaboration came to fruition, after four years of work, with the 1893 publication of their The Works of William Blake Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. It has been acknowledged by many scholars that Yeats' study of Blake greatly influenced his poetic expression. This gives rise to the widely held assertion that Yeats is indebted to Blake. While I concur with this assertion, I feel that the perhaps greater debt is Blake's. William Butler Yeats and William Blake :: Poetry Literature Papers William Butler Yeats and William Blake A study of William Butler Yeats is not complete without a study of William Blake, just as a study of Blake is greatly aided by a study of Yeats. The two poets are inexorably tied together. Yeats, aided by his study of Blake, was able to find a clearer poetic voice. Yeats had a respect for and an understanding of Blake's work that was in Yeats' time without parallel. Yeats first read Blake at the age of 15 or 16 when his father gave him Blake to read. Yeats writes in his essay "William Blake and the Imagination" that "...when one reads Blake, it is as though the spray of an inexhaustible fountain of beauty was blown into our faces (Yeats, Essays xxx)." Yeats believed Blake to be a genius and he never wavered in his opinion. It is his respect for Blake that caused him to study and emulate Blake. He tried to tie Blake closer to himself by stressing Blake's rumored Irish ancestry. He strove to understand Blake more clearly than anyone had before him, and he succeeded. As with other pursu its Yeats held nothing back. He immersed himself fully in Blake's writings. As with many of his mental pursuits he deepened his understanding of the subject by writing about it. In 1887 he wrote his essay "William Blake and the Imagination." This essay articulated his thoughts on the genius of the poet William Blake. He still however had not conceived his full vision of Blake's works. In 1889 he approached Edwin Ellis, a friend of his father's, for assistance in understanding Blake. Ellis wrote of this meeting "Very little could be given him to satisfy so large a demand, but with his eye for symbolic systems, he needed no more to enable him to perceive that here was a myth as well worth studying as any that has been offered to the world (Ellis, Vol I ix)." Thus began Yeats' and Ellis' collaboration on William Blake. This collaboration came to fruition, after four years of work, with the 1893 publication of their The Works of William Blake Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. It has been acknowledged by many scholars that Yeats' study of Blake greatly influenced his poetic expression. This gives rise to the widely held assertion that Yeats is indebted to Blake. While I concur with this assertion, I feel that the perhaps greater debt is Blake's.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

What Doth A Leader Make? :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites How come a leader becomes a leader? In this article, we are not interested in the historical process but in the answer to the twin questions: what qualifies one to be a leader and why do people elect someone specific to be a leader. The immediately evident response would be that the leader addresses or is judged by his voters to be capable of addressing their needs. These could be economic needs, psychological needs, or moral needs. In all these cases, the needs are judged to be serious enough as to threaten acceptable existence (emphasis on the word â€Å"acceptable†). Mere survival is rarely at risk (famine, war, plague). On the contrary, people are mostly willing to sacrifice their genetic and biological survival on the altar of acceptable existence. To be acceptable, life must be honourable. To be honourable, certain conditions (commonly known as â€Å"rights†) must be fulfilled and upheld. No life can be honourable without food and shelter (property rights), person al autonomy (as safeguarded by freedoms), security, respect (as expressed through human rights) and influence upon the future (civil rights). In the absence of even one of these elements, people tend to gradually become convinced that their lives are not worth living. They become mutinous and try to restore the â€Å"honourable equilibrium†. They seek food and shelter by inventing new technologies and by implementing them in a bid to control nature and other, human, factors. They rebel against any massive breach of their freedoms : free speech has provoked more bloodshed than it has ever prevented. The seek security : they legislate and create law enforcement agencies and form an army. Above all, people are concerned with being respected and with influencing their terms of existence, present and future. The two may be linked : the more able a person is to influence his environment, to mould it – the more respected he is by others. Leaders are perceived to be possessed of qualities conducive to the success of such battles of restoration. Some signal that the leader emits keeps telling his followers : I can increase your chances to win the war that you are waging in order to find food and shelter / respect / personal autonomy / security / an enhanced ability to influence your future. But WHAT is this signal? What information does it carry with it?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Review of Related Literature Essay

As clubbing became more interactive, technologies became more fashionable and innovative. There are many new installations were built to sustain the needs of interactive clubs. In these present times, latest equipments for sounds, designs, and lights are the most popular accessories in different interactive bars. According to Emmanuelle Waeckerle (2004), VINST is a video installation and interactive sound performance enabling real-time control of both sonic and visual representation of my voice – thus creating an extraordinary fusion of human body sound and video. This equipment is different because it is a sensitive vocal instrument to the reaction of the body. The sensitivity of this equipment will base on the movement of the body. If VINST is touched in a light manner, the sound are pure tones and when you touch VINST more, you tend to laugh and tickle but when you touch it harder, it will generate pain, but are also pleasurable sounds it creates while having this kind of feeling. LCI also offers interactive technologies for interactive clubs. One of their products is the Interactive Video that can be used in different parts of the clubs such as walls and floors. These interactive video were designed with different themes to match the ambiance, lights, and designs of the club. In this sense, interactive videos designed by LCI bring more life and fun to the clubs and to the customers as well. Human locator would also be a big impact to attract customers. According to the Freeset, the designer of this human locator, when a certain person or people passes through the human locator, it will track the movement of the person and while it locates the movement, the locator will act as a wave and move like the movement of the person. There are also different kinds of tables that can be use to attract more customers that will match their personality. These tables were invented to make the customers comfortable and enjoy while staying at the club. One of these tables is the table called reactable – a table that has tangible electronic musical instruments that would let people releases their love of music. According to TODO, the curators and organizers of 2007 BIP, â€Å"technology shower creates and designs. † Through this statement, they like to say that technology brings life and enjoyment to the consumers and the producers. In this article of TODO where electro wave was featured, the biggest free music festival in Italy, shares their knowledge and talent towards interactive installations for clubs that would help the clubs and its customers enjoy the time they spent there and make it more memorable and comfortable place to set the party. Some of its featured installations are Face2Face2Face, Oneword, and Are You Here? These installation were mobile all installations to locate different people and different places that have interactive clubbing. These kinds of interactive equipments brought life to interactive clubbing. Articles coming from different interactive installation professional, we can see that interactive clubbing continue to rise due to its demands. Customers would prefer interactive clubs than ordinary clubs to make their nightlife more innovative and creative. Facilities, equipments, and installations for interactive clubs will bring profit for the owners and enjoyment to the customers. Methodology Since this research involves an evolution of a particular existent activity which is clubbing, it is important to conduct a research and background study of the research conducted before regarding such topic. The methodologies involved in this paper also constituted an analysis of the existing club spots regarding the nature of these clubs, the equipments being used and the concepts that served as their foundation for success. Interviews are essential in this research in order to gather necessary information regarding the other existing traditional and interactive clubs. The interviewees include managers from different traditional and contemporary clubs and existent interactive club. The questions that were distributed to the managers comprised of the following? 1. When did the club found? 2. How long has it been active? 3. What were the major equipments being used in the club? 4. What are the most requested or most frequent activities by costumers? 5. Who are the most frequent costumers? 6. If there are any, what were the common suggestions of the costumers for the club? 7. How do you keep your costumers? 8. What were the technological enhancements that the club had undergone? 9. What were the installations that the club recently had? 10. What other enhancement would you want to install in your club? The total number of respondents is 50 managers for the United Kingdom clubs. Most of the respondents are managers of clubs that had operated and remained successful for at least six to ten years. They were also managers in such clubs for three to four years. The common answers were that the must in a club are the lively DJ’s high –tech audio gadgets which include woofer and loud bang speakers, surround digital sound , audio generated strobe and disco lights, light retractors, sound proof walls, cozy steel or wooden bar set, and a wide dance floor. The most frequently requested by costumers are the new disco or techno mixes in music and a DJ that keeps the night going. The drinks, the food and the services are also important to consider in ensuring costumer satisfaction. Another set of questions were given to frequent club goers in order to find out what they are looking for in a club and what is their knowledge about interactive clubbing. The questions include the following: 1. How often do you go clubbing? 2. Why do you go clubbing? 3. What kind of clubs do you go to, and where? 4. Why do you choose such clubs? 5. What are the technological installations in those clubs that you like best? 6. Do you know what interactive clubbing is? 7. Have you gone into an interactive club? (If no, Do you like the idea? If yes, How was your experience? ) 8. Which do you prefer, a traditional clubbing or interactive clubbing? 9. What would you like in a club? 10. What would fully satisfy you as a club goer? The total number of respondents is 50 club goers fro the United Kingdom. Most of the respondents are frequent club goers ranging from ages eighteen to thirty-eight years of age. Based from the result of the survey, most of the club goers go clubbing as a form of relaxation and socialization with other people. The clubs that are frequently visited are the clubs playing the latest music and audio mixes. It was also found that the audio speakers and the woofers of these clubs are the latest technological breakthroughs. Most of the respondents have heard and learned about interactive clubbing but only half of the total number of interviewees has actually gone into interactive clubs in the United Kingdom. The experiences were almost the same that was an astonishment of the new technology brought about by the combination of audio and visual effects of media translation. The same respondents voted in favor of interactive clubbing as against traditional clubbing. Their answer to the questions pertaining to costumer satisfaction can be summarized into relaxation and an energetic environment with the Jockey and good quality of sounds and more that the club can offer as other forms of entertainment. Most of the respondents are looking for something more than what has already been offered. The level of the costumer satisfaction is also increasing as the technology introduces innovative gadgets and ideas. Body Different technology installations were invented to make clubbing interactive. Interactive clubbing is known for the clubs’ latest equipments and facilities that would attract customers. Clubs today were built to attract bar hoppers in an interactive manner. Club owners bought different kinds of latest gadgets, equipments and facilities to sustain the demand of the present generation. Some of the examples of latest gadgets, facilities, and/or equipments that were built in different clubs are cameras, interactive videos, interactive tables, computers, sounds, lights, designs, and themes. Interaction with different clubs in different parts of the world can be done through cameras. For example, there would be an installation of interactive cameras showing different clubs in the world. These different clubs are part of the connection of interactive clubs for they will have their cameras inside their clubs to show the clubbers the situations in different clubs. Aside from the setting of other clubs, sounds and music can be heard through these cameras. In this sense, all the participating interactive clubs would have the same music played, which brings interaction and intimacy to all the participating interactive clubs. Cameras installed in these interactive clubs will also show the themes of different clubs in different countries. Therefore, themes and cultures in different countries will be shown through the interactive cameras. Computers will be installed for more interaction between clubbers in different clubs. Computers will help clubbers to communicate with people in different clubs that have the same interactive facilities if they want to. Sounds and music are the most important factors for clubs because these are what the clubbers wanted. In this case, sounds and music must be the primary attraction for clubbers that is why newly invented musical instruments and facilities are produced to make the musical atmosphere of the clubs became more attractive. One of the musical equipment used for clubs is the Pioneer’s DVJ-X1. This equipment brings more life and strength to the sounds and music of the clubs. Aside from this, it has different parts that can be used to make the sounds clearer, audible, and creative. Lights, designs, and themes are also the factors of bringing clubbers into the clubs. Clubbers would love seeing different kinds of lights and designs inside the club. Lightspace is one of the innovators of light displays to different clubs. According to them, they transform everyday surfaces into engaging, entertaining and interactive exercise, display, gaming and learning surfaces that are capable of stimulating and responding to human touch. Through this kind of evolutionary displays, clubbers would really enjoy going to clubs that has lighter colors and lively designs because it brings life and enjoyment to them. The clubs’ themes are also important to show the clubbers the atmosphere of the place. The theme of the club will determine its clubbers, facilities, equipments, and workers. That is why it is also an important factor for the clubbers. In addition to this, as its equipments, facilities, and displays are important, the task of the DJs or the VJs are also important because they bring life to the club. They are the one who will manipulate the whole night of dancing and singing. Fast-learners, professionals, creative, and imaginative DJs or VJs must be the controller of the sounds to make the nightlife comfortable and conducive. In these present times, many people who wanted to enjoy their nightlife. In the previous years, clubs were built to make people enjoy through listening to sounds and drinking with friends – this is the traditional lifestyle of ordinary clubs. Ordinary clubs can give only few things to its customers – listening to the sounds, dancing on the dance floor and become drunk. People during those times are not aware with the atmosphere of the clubs because these factors are the most important things that were set in their minds. As time goes on, people wanted more of it. Because technology became more in demand, inventors and owners became partners in making the clubs livelier and interactive, that is why interactive clubbing emerged. Comparing and contrasting ordinary clubbing to interactive clubbing would bring opposite directions of two interrelated elements. Ordinary clubbing caters few enjoyment and contentment while interactive clubbing brings more life and great atmosphere to the whole club because listening to the music and dancing on the dance floor would not the only thing to do. Through interactive clubbing, clubbers can do many things like chatting, watching the video walls, interacting with different clubbers in different clubs from different parts of the world, and playing with the designs, lights and themes of the clubs. In this case, interactive clubbing brings more freedom to the clubbers in whatever they want to do while clubbing. However, these kinds of interactive clubbing need to have more money, more knowledge, and more power. Having this kind of interactive clubs are not the same as having an ordinary club because it needs to have more people, more time, and more effort to make a certain club interactive. An interactive club can be said as creative and imaginative but it is an ideal – ideal in a sense that it is perfect, perfect in the eyes of every clubber. According to Wegner (2005), nightclubs enjoy a commercial advantage over domestic sound and light systems. However, the club advantage begins to diminish when consumer technology enables a car’s sound system or a home theater to provide a superior experience. Because of technology, the demands for these kinds of places are easily declining due to the competition of different technology innovators and innovations. Nevertheless, technology in interactive clubbing is more Conclusion While it is considered a fact that music video has ever been present in the world of clubbing, the evolution of technology has influenced greatly its player-performing end and the display-presentation end. Interactive Clubbing indeed open a new experience for club goers. The technological installations of wide digital surround sounds, and the LCD generated effects provided an environment of which only the future can offer. This research proposal therefore provided an assumptive conclusion on the probability of the status of an interactive clubbing. There is definitely a positive response of science and technology to the demands of interactive clubbing as proven in the proper combination of technological application of new installations. There are already experimental methods to place cameras at various clubs throughout the world which recreated a specific ambiance a traditional club. This makes it possible for DJ’s to perform live at different places at the same time. There also a great deal of possibility of advanced digital 3d dancers that enables the presence of another person in the form of an avatar that interacts with genuine clubbers through the internet provider. These innovations will definitely set the new standard for clubbing in the not too distant future. Therefore it is concluded that Interactive clubbing is the present application of the future of clubbing experience. References: Bennett, A. (2000). â€Å"Dance Music, Local Identity and Urban Space. † In Popular Music and Youth Culture: Music, Identity and Place, edited by (Bennett, Andy). New York: St. Martin’s Press, 73-102. Bidder, S. (2001). Pump Up The Volume: A History of House. London: Channel 4 Books. Birgy, P. 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Friday, August 16, 2019

African American: an Identity Crisis Essay

For centuries African Americans have been indoctrinated to subsist in a cultural and historical vacuum by their oppressors who would seek to bar them from ever making the connection to their illuminating past. This systematic agenda of mis-education and lies by omission has made possible the subjugation and enslavement, in body and mind, of the African American by his oppressors. In his essay â€Å"The Study of the Negro,† Dr. Carter G. Woodson sets out to ruminate on why the African American has been misled in his ascension to human equality and dignity and how he can remedy the dismal state of his affairs. A thorough reading of Woodson’s pioneering work indicates that we should study the experiences of African-descended people to gain knowledge about ourselves and other cultures as well as to take back accurate traditions and histories that have all but been discredited or misrepresented. Furthermore, only through this systematic study of their meaningful contributions to history can African Americans elevate themselves to empowered enlightenment. One reason to study the experiences of the African American is to instill in him a sense of purpose and place in a world that otherwise intends to keep him perpetually in the dark. Undoubtedly the aim of his oppressors has been to convince him that his history is unimportant so as to deprive him of the sense of pride that is so necessary to feel wholly human. By espousing that â€Å"he has no worthwile past, that his race has done nothing significant since the beginning of time, and that there is no evidence that he will ever achieve anything great† (Woodson 6), his oppressors can be sure that the African American will continue down the path of mis-education that so allows for his subservience to a system that cares nothing for him. However, â€Å"if you teach the Negro that he has accomplished as much good as any other race he will aspire to equality and justice without regard to race. † (Woodson 6) The core purpose of African American studies is to take back from obscurity that piece of the historical puzzle without which the African American would be amidst an endless identity crisis. By studying the origin of his people, the African American, who â€Å"has not yet learned to think and plan for himself as others do for themselves† (Woodson 7), can take control of his own destiny rather than taking as truth â€Å"an abundance of information which others have made accessible to the oppressed. † (Woodson 7) The culture of indoctrination cultivated by the oppressor would have that â€Å"the Negro should cease to remember that he was once held a slave, that he has been oppressed, and even that he is a Negro. † (Woodson 7) Thus, it is plain to see that the African American’s oppressors have too much to lose by promoting the truth. Indeed, it would require them to admit their transgressions and to concede the countless meaningful contributions made by the African American to modern society. Without â€Å"a serious examination of the fundamentals of education, religion, literature, and philosophy as they have been expounded to him† (Woodson 7) by his oppressors, the â€Å"Negro joins the opposition with the objection that the study of the Negro keeps alive questions which should be forgotten. † (Woodson 7) Perhaps the most essential lesson to be learned from an effective, systematic study of African American history is that the contributions made by African Americans are far more numerous than any oppressor could ever know. It is with a pig-headed pride that they conceal the fact that â€Å"the history of the modern world was made, in the main, by what was taken from African people. † (Clarke) Without knowledge such as this, it would be impossible for the African American to take pride in himself and to seek the true identity he has been in search of for centuries. â€Å"A race is like a man. Until it uses its own talents, takes pride in its own history, and loves its own memories, it can never fulfill itself completely. † (Clarke) African American studies can help in understanding other cultures as well as our own by challenging and correcting the misrepresentations of Africa and Western Europe and their cultural legacies. What has been laid aground as history by the oppressor does not serve to benefit the African American but instead to keep him dependent on a system rife with underlying prejudice against his people. History is written in the image of the writer so, consequently, the African American must take up the reins of authorship himself and guide his own destiny. That is precisely why we should study the African American experience, to produce a platform on which he can take back what is innately his. After all, to be cognizant of where one is going, it is necessary to be aware of where one has been.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Speech: Unconditional Love

Persuasive speeches aim to convince the audience to believe a certain view. A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. The speech is arranged in such a way as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or part of the expressed view. Though the overarching goal of a persuasive speech is to convince the audience to accept a perspective, not all audiences can be convinced by a single speech and not all perspectives can persuade the audience Figure 0. The Sales PitchAn example of a persuasive speech is a sales pitch. During a sales pitch, the speaker is trying to convince the audience to buy his or her product or service. If the salesperson is successful, the audience (the person being sold to) will choose to purchase the product or service. However, salespeople understand that just because someone does not make a purchase after the first sales pitch does not mean the pitch failed. Per suasion is often a process. People may need multiple persuasive pitches and a lot of outside information before they are ready to accept a new view.Components of a Persuasive Speech Persuasive speeches are composed of both logical and emotional appeals. Logic appeals are arguments that present a set of information and show why a conclusion must rationally be true. For example, arguments heard in court are logical arguments. Emotional appeals are appeals that seek to make the audience feel a certain way so that they will accept a conclusion. Negative political ads, for example, often incorporate emotional appeals by juxtaposing an opponent with a negative emotion such as fear.I think that every emotionally healthy person wants to love and to be loved. We want people to love us as we are. We want to feel accepted no matter what we may say or do. When we make a mistake, we want to be forgiven and we don't want to experience  rejection. We want to be loved unconditionally. A problem c omes though when we do not reciprocate unconditional love. For example, there will never be  real love  expressed between two people if both individuals are seeking to have their needs met. How can two people make a relationship work if both define love as, â€Å"if you love me then you will o what I want†? There is only one person who can truly  love unconditionally. His name is Jesus. See, God is perfect and demands perfection from us. But, we all have fallen short of living a perfect life and that is called sin. The penalty for sin is death. But, this penalty is too great for us to pay! The Bible says that God demonstrated themeaning of love  to us in this that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus laid down His life for us as the ultimate act of unconditional love. He accepts us for who we are, for what we have done, and even for what we have neglected to do.But, now He is asking us to accept Him unconditionally as well. He wants us to accept His lo ve by giving to Him our heart, mind, soul, and strength. He wants all of us. When we give ourselves over completely to Jesus then we are â€Å"fully known, fully accepted, fully loved, fully valued, and fully celebrated. † Jesus will never leave you, quit on you, belittle you, or even condemn you. Did you know that the Bible says that Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but to save the world?He came to show you  what love is. Once we experience His love, we must step forward quickly to embrace it. The Bible provides an excellent description of unconditional love and gives us a pattern to follow. What is real love? Here is an example, â€Å"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, †¦ Love rejoices with the truth. Love believes and endures all things. Love never fails. † The longing of your heart to be loved unconditionally can be fulfilled only through Jesus Christ.You must admit your sin, believ e in Jesus, and follow His ways. If you do, you will experience  unconditional love. Once you have experienced  love unconditionally, you are then able to know  how to love  as well. As you travel life’s journey, you can take the road from conditional love to unconditional love. Let us Pray.. â€Å"Dear Jesus, I want real love and to be loved unconditionally. Please forgive me of my sin and show me  what is real love. I surrender my heart to you and ask that you take control of my life now. Thank you. â€Å"